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Dental Sealants: What Age Should Children Receive Them?

Dental Sealants: What Age Should Children Receive Them?


children in dentist

Children have “baby” teeth up to a certain age, which fall off and eventually get replaced by permanent teeth. Many parents have the notion that dental care for children isn’t as important because these baby teeth are set to fall out anyway. However, this is a wrong way of thinking that needs to be removed.  […]

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Understanding Sensitive Gums: 5 Common Reasons and Causes


sensitive gums

Millions of Americans have experienced sore gums. Although various factors and conditions cause it, it results in painful, sensitive, and bleeding gums. If you’ve experienced a painful sensation in your gums, there is a massive chance that something is wrong. Here are some reasons why your gums are sensitive. 1. Improper Brushing and Flossing Technique […]

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Is Losing A Crown Or Filling Considered A Dental Emergency?


dental treatment

People nowadays no longer have to worry about their teeth having cavities, fractures, or being weak. An emergency dentist treats your teeth problems through crowns and fillings. But as time goes by, these crowns and filling tend to fall out. So, the question is, is it considered a dental emergency when you lose your crown […]

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Gum Disease: Is It Possible for This Condition to Be Cured?


Young woman having toothache.

Contrary to popular belief, gingivitis and gum disease are not interchangeable terms. Gingivitis is actually gum disease at its very mildest. Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, generally occurs when there’s an infection in the gums. Periodontal or Gum Disease Gum disease happens when the gums, which are essentially the soft tissue in […]

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The Most Important Things You Need to Know About Gingivitis


woman with toothache

Gingivitis is a common disease that results in gums or gingiva irritation, redness, and inflammation. The common cause of this condition is bacteria or plaque accumulated in the mouth. While gingivitis may not start severe, leaving it untreated can lead to periodontitis, a disease leading to the loss of teeth.  Symptoms for this type of […]

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What You Need to Know in Case You Break Your Tooth


At the dentist

When you’re out and about eating at your favorite restaurant or just hanging out with your friends, the last thing you want to deal with is your tooth breaking. It’s a nightmare and you need to do something about it fast. The pain may or may not be immediate, depending on the break. However, just […]

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Dental Implants: Are They Really Better Than Dentures?


dental treatment

When you lose one or more of your teeth, you will want to get your smile restored as soon as possible. As such, you might search for a “dentist near me” and ask for the treatment that you can get the soonest. However, as there are several options available, you might want to do your […]

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COVID-19 and Dental Anxiety: Facts for Dental Patients


COVID-19 Dental Fears

Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon where patients experience nervousness or fear of dental procedures. Sometimes referred to as dentophobia or odontophobia, this anxiety can lead to poor oral health, as patients often avoid regular visits to their family dental practice. In the wake of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 respiratory disease it causes, […]

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Emerging Dental Technologies


Dentists around the world are tasked with helping patients take care of their teeth and gums. The dental profession has come a long way over the past century, with new treatment methods, new options, and new technologies allowing dentists to provide expert care. Researchers in the United States, Europe, and Asia are continually developing advanced […]

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Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Mouthwash


Most people know that taking care of our teeth and gums is an important part of our lives. We brush our teeth at least twice a day, floss regularly, and receive checkups and cleanings at our favorite family dental practice. Another tool in the arsenal of great oral health is mouthwash, yet there is a […]

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Mihirgir Bava, DMD